
查看,请求,nginx,消耗,时间 · 浏览次数 : 0


```nginx # Add log_format directive log_format test '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] \"$request\" ' '$status $body_bytes_sent $request_body \"$http_referer\" ' '\"$http_user_agent\" \"$http_x_forwarded_for\"' '$upstream_addr $upstream_response_time $request_time '; # Add access_log directive access_log logs/test.log test; # Analyze and extract the data cat test.log | grep url | awk '{print $6 " " $7 " " $8 " " $11 " " ($NF-$(NF-1))}' > c.txt ``` **Explanation:** 1. **log_format directive**: This directive defines a custom log format named "test". The format uses a series of placeholders to represent various variables, including remote address, user, request time, status code, request body, referer, user agent, forwarded for, upstream address, response time, and request time. 2. **access_log directive**: This directive specifies an access log called "test" for the "test" log format. 3. **cat command**: This command reads the "test.log" file and filters the output to extract lines containing the word "url". 4. **awk script**: The "awk" script processes the extracted lines and prints the following information for each match: - Remote address - Remote user - Request time - Status code - Request body size - Referer - User agent - Forwarded for address - Upstream address and response time - Request time 5. **> c.txt**: This command redirects the output of the "awk" script to a file named "c.txt". 6. **Output summary**: The script will generate a file named "c.txt" containing a summary of the requests that took the longest time to process. Each line in this file will represent the URL, request time, and the corresponding user agent and response time.




  1. log_format test '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
  2. '$status $body_bytes_sent $request_body "$http_referer" '
  3. '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'
  4. '$upstream_addr $upstream_response_time $request_time ';


access_log logs/test.log test;


cat test.log | grep url | awk '{print $6 " " $7 " " $8 " " $11 " " ($NF-$(NF-1))}' > c.txt



需求:查看请求在nginx中消耗的时间,不包括程序响应时间。 1.声明日志的格式,在nginx配置文件nginx.conf里的http下添加如下内容: log_format test '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' '$

[转帖] Jmeter学习笔记(七)——监听器元件之察看结果树

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如图所示 1.先新建一个login的http请求,然后再login的请求下新增一个正则表达式提取器,增加一个查看结果树查看结果 假如后端接口返回的数据为"{'msg': 'login success', 'code': 1001, 'token': '48b2837a33461f58988ae72b

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https://www.jianshu.com/p/83cf0e64a654 参考资料:http://www.jianshu.com/p/3cca9a74927c <<亲测可用tcpdump查看HTTP流量查看>> 抓包HTTP GET请求: [root@hostname /]# sudo tcpd


问题复现 近期部门内部有一个应用由于数据量过于庞大,或者说sql优化性能问题,导致查询全量数据时老报错nginx404,后来查看浏览器timing信息,发现其竟然时常达到可怕的2分钟十秒,抛去解决sql优化问题,这里从Nginx端的配置来说如何解决这类问题! 存在的问题 服务器处理请求时间过长,导致


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https://www.cnblogs.com/pachongshangdexuebi/p/13354201.html 一、前言 性能测试时我们关注的重要指标是:并发用户数,TPS,请求成功率,响应时间,服务器的CPU,memory, I/O disk等。Jmeter的聚合报告可以查看并发数、吞吐量