
WITH 子句通常被称为 "Common Table Expressions"(CTE),俗称内存临时表,当使用 WITH 语句时,应注意具体的数据库版本和支持情况。以下是对 MySQL、Microsoft SQL Server(MSSQL)和 Oracle 数据库的 WITH 语句用法示例,以及在

[转帖]MySQL with Docker - Performance characteristics

https://dev.mysql.com/blog-archive/mysql-with-docker-performance-characteristics/ Docker presents new levels of portability and ease of use when it co

[转帖]Monitoring with Prometheus & Grafana

https://www.rabbitmq.com/prometheus.html This guide covers RabbitMQ monitoring with two popular tools: Prometheus, a monitoring toolkit; and Grafana,

Go with Protobuf

原文在这里。 本教程为 Go 程序员提供了使用Protocol buffer的基本介绍。 本教程使用proto3向 Go 程序员介绍如何使用 protobuf。通过创建一个简单的示例应用程序,它向你展示了如何: 在.proto中定义消息格式 使用protocol buffer编译器 使用Go pro

gRPC with JWT

在 gRPC 中使用 JWT(JSON Web Tokens)进行身份验证是一种常见的做法,它可以帮助你确保请求方的身份和权限。下面是一种使用 gRPC 和 JWT 进行身份验证的步骤: 1. **生成和签发 JWT:** 在用户登录成功后,你需要生成一个 JWT 并将其签发给用户。JWT 中可以包

[转帖]postgresql 编译选项 --with-uuid=e2fs、--with-uuid=ossp 的理解

postgresql 的 rpm 包使用的是 ‘–with-uuid=e2fs’ postgresql 源码 configure 的帮助选项有 uuid 的几个选项,有啥区别? # ./configure --help --with-uuid=LIB build contrib/uuid-ossp

[转帖]unrecognized options: --with-ssl

解决办法: vi Moudel/Setup 找到如下内容 去掉209--212行的注释 再次执行编译 ./configure prefix=/usr/local/python3 文章知识点与官方知识档案匹配,可进一步学习相关知识网络技能树首页概览22965 人正在系统学习中

[转帖]Dynamic A/B Testing with NGINX Plus

https://www.nginx.com/blog/dynamic-a-b-testing-with-nginx-plus/ The key‑value store feature was introduced in NGINX Plus R13 for HTTP traffic and exte

[转帖]Real-Time Web Applications with WebSocket and NGINX

https://www.nginx.com/blog/realtime-applications-nginx/ In the blog post NGINX as a WebSocket Proxy we discussed using NGINX to proxy WebSocket applic

[转帖]Deploying NGINX and NGINX Plus with Docker

https://www.nginx.com/blog/deploying-nginx-nginx-plus-docker-2/ Editor – The NGINX Plus Dockerfiles for Debian and Alpine Linux were updated in Decemb

生成带重复的笛卡尔乘积过程 Cartesian Product with Repetition

目录What is Cartesian Product with RepetitionCode Demo What is Cartesian Product with Repetition 比如说有两个集合: \(\{1, 2, 3\}\) \(\{A, B, C\}\) 想把他们组合成所有可能组合

Jenkins Pipeline 流水线 - withCredentials 使用

添加凭证 Pipeline script pipeline { agent any stages { stage('withCredentials 使用凭证') { steps { withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'DockerSer


好家伙, 昨天,在学习vue源码的过程中,看到了这个玩意 嘶,看不太懂,研究一下 1.上下文 这段出现vue模板编译的虚拟node部分 export function renderMixin(Vue) { Vue.prototype._c = function () { //创建标签 return

[转帖]ORA-00054:resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired

一、故障描述: 早晨接到个开发人员的问题,truncat table T_USER_LABEL表时,报错: ORA-00054:resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired,如下图。按照字面意思,是资源忙,被占用

salesforce零基础学习(一百三十九)Admin篇之Begins/Contains/Starts With 是否区分大小写

本篇参考: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.customize_functions_begins.htm&type=5 https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.flow_ref_o

[转帖]KVM创建快照失败 “Operation not supported: internal snapshots of a VM with pflash based firmware are not supported”

https://www.cnblogs.com/anderly/p/14977989.html KVM/QEMU创建虚拟机快照时,报如下错误: Operation not supported: internal snapshots of a VM with pflash based firmware

【Azure Function App】Nodejs Function遇见WorkerProcessExitException : node exited with code -1073740791 (0xC0000409) 错误

Exception while executing function: Functions.AzureBlobTrigger ---> Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.Workers.WorkerProcessExitException : node exited with code -1073740791 (0xC0000409)

【Azure 事件中心】Event Hub 无法连接,出现 Did not observe any item or terminal signal within 60000ms in 'flatMapMany' 的错误消息

2022-11-03 10:58:21.474 INFO --- [pool-7-thread-1] c.a.m.e.PartitionBasedLoadBalancer []: Load balancer already running 2022-11-03 10:58:51.014 WARN --- [ parallel-2] c.a.m.e.Partition


翻译自:[Fine-tuning a model with the Trainer API](https://huggingface.co/learn/nlp-course/chapter3/3?fw=pt "Fine-tuning a model with the Trainer API") `T

[转帖][译] Cilium:基于 BPF+EDT+FQ+BBR 实现更好的带宽管理(KubeCon, 2022)

http://arthurchiao.art/blog/better-bandwidth-management-with-ebpf-zh/ Published at 2022-10-30 | Last Update 2022-10-30 译者序 本文翻译自 KubeCon+CloudNativeCo