[转帖]达梦数据库 DM8 中 注册服务 说明

数据库,dm8,注册,服务,说明 · 浏览次数 : 0


**DM8 数据库服务注册说明** **注册步骤:** 1. 登录到您的 DM8 数据库服务器。 2. 打开命令行或终端。 3. 运行以下命令: ``` ./dm_service_installer.sh -t dmserver -p dave -dm_ini /dm/dmdbms/data/dave/dm.ini ``` **参数说明:** * `-t dmserver`:指定服务类型为 `dmserver`。 * `-p dave`:指定服务用户名为 `dave`。 * `-dm_ini`:指定 `dm.ini` 文件的路径。 **注意:** * `dm_service_installer.sh` 文件需要在您本地安装之前存在。 * 确保 `/dm/dmdbms/data/dave/dm.ini` 文件存在。 * 此命令会创建一个 symlink 从 `/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/DmServicedave.service` 到 `/usr/lib/systemd/system/DmServicedave.service.Finished` 中。



2019-10-29 19:3830480原创DM 达梦

达梦数据库 DM8 中 注册服务 说明




DM7 达梦数据库 通过dminit 创建 并 注册 数据库实例




[dmdba@dm8 root]$ pwd
[dmdba@dm8 root]$ ./dm_service_installer.sh -h
Must run the script by root!
[dmdba@dm8 root]$ exit
[root@www.cndba.cn system]# cd /dm/dmdbms/script/root
[root@www.cndba.cn root]# ./dm_service_installer.sh -h
Usage: dm_service_installer.sh -t service_type [-p service_name_postfix] [-dm_ini dm_ini_file]
        [-watch_ini watch_ini_file ] [-wmon_ini wmon_ini_file] [-rww_ini rww_ini_file]
        [-watcher_ini watcher_ini_file ] [-monitor_ini monitor_ini_file] [-cssm_ini cssm_ini_file]
        [-dfs_ini dfs_ini_file] [-dcr_ini dcr_ini_file]
        [-dss_ini dss_ini_file] [-drs_ini drs_ini_file] [-dras_ini dras_ini_file] [-dcs_ini dcs_ini_file] [-server server_info]
        [-m open|mount] [-y dependent_service]
  or dm_service_installer.sh [-s service_file_path]
  or dm_service_installer.sh -h

   -t               Service Type, include: dmimon,dmap,dmserver,dmwatcher,dmmonitor,dmcss,dmcssm,dmasmsvr,dmdcs,dmdrs,dmdras,dmdss.
   -p               Service Name Postfix, is invalid for dmimon,dmap.
   -dm_ini          The path of the dm.ini file.
   -watch_ini       The path of the dmwatch.ini file.
   -wmon_ini        The path of the dmwmon.ini file.
   -rww_ini         The path of the dmrww.ini file.
   -watcher_ini     The path of the dmwatcher.ini file.
   -monitor_ini     The path of the dmmonitor.ini file.
   -dcr_ini         The path of the dmdcr.ini file.
   -cssm_ini        The path of the dmcssm.ini file.
   -dss_ini         The path of the dss.ini file.
   -drs_ini         The path of the drs.ini file.
   -dras_ini        The path of the dras.ini file.
   -dcs_ini         The path of the dcs.ini file.
   -dfs_ini         The path of the dfs.ini file.
   -server          server info
   -m               Set the start modeof the server, include:open or mount, is valid for dmserver only, select.
   -y               Set the dependent service, this parameter is valid for dmserver,dmasmsvr in systemd service environment.
   -s               The path of the service script file, if set this parameter and ignore other parameter but -y.
   -h               Help
[root@www.cndba.cn root]#

脚本中参数部分变化比较明显,不同的类型有独立的参数对应。 在注册时对应上就好。我们这里注册一个DM8的单实例:



[root@www.cndba.cn root]# ./dm_service_installer.sh -t dmserver -p dave -dm_ini /dm/dmdbms/data/dave/dm.ini 
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/DmServicedave.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/DmServicedave.service.
Finished to create the service (DmServicedave)
[root@www.cndba.cn root]# 
[root@www.cndba.cn root]# systemctl start DmServicedave.service 
[root@www.cndba.cn log]# ps -ef|grep dm.ini
dmdba     7501     1  0 13:55 ?        00:00:00 /dm/dmdbms/bin/dmserver /dm/dmdbms/data/dave/dm.ini -noconsole
root      7587  5538  0 13:57 pts/4    00:00:00 grep --color=auto dm.ini
[root@www.cndba.cn log]#


[root@www.cndba.cn root]# ./dm_service_uninstaller.sh -n DmServicedave
Whether to delete the service(DmServicedave) (Y/y:yes N/n:no): y
Failed to stop DmServicedave.service: Unit DmServicedave.service not loaded.
Failed to execute operation: Bad message
Finished to delete the service file(/usr/lib/systemd/system/DmServicedave.service)
Finished to delete the service(DmServicedave)

如果是其他服务,只需要通过-t和对应的 -xx_ini 来指定信息即可。

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