机器学习策略:详解什么时候该改变开发/测试集和指标?(When to change dev/test sets and metrics)

什么时候该改变开发/测试集和指标? 有时候在项目进行途中,可能意识到,目标的位置放错了。这种情况下,应该移动的目标。 来看一个例子,假设在构建一个猫分类器,试图找到很多猫的照片,向的爱猫人士用户展示,决定使用的指标是分类错误率。所以算法\(A\)和\(B\)分别有3%错误率和5%错误率,所以算法\(

[转帖]MySQL 8.0: When to use utf8mb3 over utf8mb4?

https://dev.mysql.com/blog-archive/mysql-8-0-when-to-use-utf8mb3-over-utf8mb4/ MySQL 8.0: When to use utf8mb3 over utf8mb4? Posted on May 19, 2017 by 

[转帖]jvm crash when overwritten running jar

https://www.jianshu.com/p/bf0a051e4c63 现象 策划热更完配置表后 jvm直接就crash了(开发机linux) crash日志 日志分析 从crash日志看是reload配置表 使用Reflections扫描配置类 最终读取jar包 java.util.zip.

[转帖]What is Pstate

https://www.jianshu.com/p/342480d917e3 When someone refers to a P-state, generally only the frequency is talked about. For example, on my Intel® Core™

[转帖]Why Feelings of Guilt May Signal Leadership Potential

https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights/why-feelings-guilt-may-signal-leadership-potential When we think of a typical leader, most of us picture a perso


https://www.nextplatform.com/2022/12/02/aws-tunes-up-compute-and-network-for-hpc/ When it comes to hardware, there was not a lot of big news coming ou

[转帖]rsar - Extract data from plain-text sar files

sar -A -t -f /tmp/sa11 >/tmp/sar11 https://github.com/ryran/rsar When dealing with sysstat sar data in a sosreport, it's almost always easier to parse

[转帖]ASH REPORT SHOWS “** Row Source Not Available **”

https://alphaoragroup.com/2022/04/06/ash-report-row-source-not-available/ Whenever in ASH report, there is a section called Top SQL with Top Row Sourc

[转帖]MySQL with Docker - Performance characteristics

https://dev.mysql.com/blog-archive/mysql-with-docker-performance-characteristics/ Docker presents new levels of portability and ease of use when it co

[转帖]讨论在 Linux Control Groups 中运行 Java 应用程序的暂停问题原创

https://heapdump.cn/article/1930426 说明 本篇原文来自 LinkedIn 的 Zhenyun Zhuang,原文:Application Pauses When Running JVM Inside Linux Control Groups[1],在容器化的进程中

【转帖】What are segfault rip/rsp numbers and how to use them

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1456899/what-are-segfault-rip-rsp-numbers-and-how-to-use-them 11 When my linux application crashes, it produces a

[转帖]Region Merge Config

TiKV replicates a segment of data in Regions via the Raft state machine. As data writes increase, a Region Split happens when the size of the region o




今天在浏览张队转载文章的留言时,遇到一个读者问了这样的问题,如下图所示: 首先能明确的一点是"程序崩溃退出了是不能用常规的方式dump的",因为整个进程树都已经退出。现场已经无法使用常规的方式读取到。 一般来说常规的方法是没办法读取到的,也有一些特殊的方式,比如有关部门在调查取证时,就可以通过一些工


我记得大约在半年前,有个朋友问我一个问题,现在有一个选型: 一个性能敏感场景,有一个集合,需要确定某一个元素在不在这个集合中,我是用数组直接Contains还是使用HashSet.Contains? 大家肯定想都不用想,都选使用HashSet,毕竟HashSet的时间复杂度是O(1

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