deepspeed 训练多机多卡报错 ncclSystemError Last error

最近在搞分布式训练大模型,踩了两个晚上的坑今天终于爬出来了 我们使用 2台 8*H100 遇到过 错误1 ncclSystemError: System call (e.g. socket, malloc) or external library call failed


错误现象 解决方法: 1、Chrome浏览器地址栏中输:chrome://net-internals/#hsts 2、在Query HSTS/PKP domain处搜索网站, [什么是HSTS呢?它的作用是什么?]点击了解详情(


在程序开发中,如果对某些代码的执行不能确定(程序语法完全正确) 可以增加try来捕获异常 try这个关键字来捕获异常try:尝试执行的代码except:出现错误的处理 def func(): try: print(a) except NameError as e1: with open('error

Navicat 连接Oracle ORA-28547: connection to server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error

Navicat 连接 Oracle 报 ORA-03135: connection lost contact ORA-28547: connection to server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error oci.dll 版本太低,需要重新下载并指定

【Azure App Service for Windows】 PHP应用出现500 : The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred. 错误

[500 The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.] [scriptProcessor could not be found in "fastCGI" application configuration] [EXECUTE|500|0|0x585|CONFIG_SUCCESS|PHP7

salesforce零基础学习(一百三十二)Flow新功能: Custom Error


【Azure 事件中心】使用Apache Flink 连接 Event Hubs 出错 Kafka error: No resolvable bootstrap urls

问题描述 参考Github上 Event Hub的示例代码(Using Apache Flink with Event Hubs for Apache Kafka Ecosystems :

【Azure 云服务】Azure Cloud Service中的错误事件 Error Event(Defrag/Perflib) 解答

问题描述 在Azure Cloud Service的实例中,收集到各种 Error Event 内容,本文针对所收集的三种Event进行解析。 1: This operation is not supported on this filesystem. (0x89000020)

【Azure 应用服务】应用服务连接 Azure MySQL 一直失败,报错 Create connection error

问题描述 App Service上部署的Java应用,连接 Azure Database for MySQL 失败。错误信息:Create connection error, url: jdbc:mysql://....................... communications link

【Azure Redis 缓存】应用中出现连接Redis服务错误(production.ERROR: Connection refused)的排查步骤

问题描述 在PHP应用中,连接Redis的方法报错 RedisException(code: 0): Connection refused at /data/Redis/Connectors/PhpRedisConnector.php production.ERROR: Connection ref

【Azure Redis】Redis-CLI连接Redis 6380端口始终遇见 I/O Error

问题描述 使用Redis-cli连接Redis服务,因为工具无法直接支持TLS 6380端口连接,所以需要使用 stunnel 配置TLS/SSL服务。根据文章(Linux VM使用6380端口(SSL方式)连接Azure Redis (redis-cli & stunnel) : https://

【Azure App Service】通过Visual Studio部署Azure App Service 遇见 401 'Unauthorized'错误

Error : Web deployment task failed. (Connected to the remote computer ("") using the Web Management Service, but could not authorize. Make sure that you are using the

[转帖]Megacli 错误码

MegaCLI Error Messages 0x00 Command completed successfully 0x01 Invalid command 0x02 DCMD opcode is invalid 0x03 Input parameters are invalid 0x04 Inv

大数据-业务数据采集-FlinkCDC DebeziumSourceFunction via the 'serverTimezone' configuration property

Caused by: org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException: Error reading MySQL variables: The server time zone value '�й���׼ʱ��' is unrecognized or

大数据-业务数据采集-FlinkCDC The MySQL server is not configured to use a ROW binlog_format

Caused by: org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException: The MySQL server is not configured to use a ROW binlog_format, which is required for this

[转帖]The USE Method

Boeing 707 Emergency Checklist(1969) The Utilization Saturation and Errors (USE) Method is a methodology for analyzing the performance of any system.

[转帖]kylin v10 报错 unsupported configuration: ACPI requires UEFI on this architecture 问题现象: ERROR unsupported configuration: ACPI requires UEFI on this architecture Domain installation doe


问题背景:UI页面点击会偶尔返回error,检查调用日志,发现nginx报502报错,因此本文即排查502报错原因。 如下红框可知,访问本机个备机的服务502了,用时3秒左右(可见并不是超时) 先给出原因:是因为tomcat8默认的acceptCount是100,请求量大的时候,会将一些来不及处理的


今天在arm上用configure生成makefile时报错:configure: error: cannot guess build type; you must specify one 问题: 不能确定编译的操作系统 解决: 在gcc编译中我们使用 ./configure --build=编译平

【Azure Developer】use @azure/arm-monitor sdk 遇见 ManagedIdentityCredential authentication failed.(status code 500)

@azure/arm-monitor ManagedIdentityCredential authentication failed.(status code 500) CredentialUnavailableError: ERROR: AADSTS500011: The resource principal name was not