【Azure 存储服务】Azure Blob Storage SDK 升级失败,遇见 Unsatisfied Dependency Exception 和 Unexpected Length Exception

Azure ,存储,Blob ,服务 · 浏览次数 : 59


## Problem Analysis **Problem 1: UnsatisfiedDependencyException** * Cause: The application is using an incompatible version of the Azure Storage Blob SDK, causing the `azureFileServiceImpl` bean to be unable to be created. * Solution: Upgrade to the latest SDK version compatible with the application. In this case, upgrade from 2.5.6 to 12.13.0. **Problem 2: UnexpectedLengthException** * Cause: The file size obtained from the Azure Blob client is smaller than expected, causing the `com.azure.core.exception UnexpectedLengthException` error. * Possible cause: The Azure Storage Blob service changed the way it calculates the file size, which is now obtained using `available()` instead of `getTotalSpace()`. * Solution: Review the updated code that retrieves the file size and ensure it reflects the actual size received from Azure Blob. ## Code Modifications **Problem 1:** * The code initially used `file.getTotalSpace()` to calculate the file size. * After the upgrade to 12.13.0, the code uses `fileInputStream.available()` to get the available bytes in the `FileInputStream`. * The `available()` method might return a different value than `getTotalSpace()` due to the way it calculates the size. **Problem 2:** * The code previously used `file.available()` to get the file size before uploading it to Azure Blob. * After the upgrade, the code uses `fileInputStream.available()` to get the available bytes in the `FileInputStream`, which might be different than the previously calculated size. * The code should be updated to use the same approach as before the upgrade to ensure the correct file size is retrieved. ## Additional Notes * Review the updated code and ensure all related components are also upgraded to the latest compatible versions. * Consider adding logging statements throughout the code to track the file size calculations and compare them to ensure they match the expected values. * Investigate further if the issue persists and consult the official Azure Storage Blob documentation or community forums for further assistance.



在升级Java Azure Blob Storage SDK的过程中,先后遇见了 UnsatisfiedDependencyExceptionUnexpectedLengthException.

错误一:Org.springframework.beans.factory UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'azureFileServiceImpl': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field 'blobServiceClient'.


错误二:com.azure.core.exception UnexpectedLengthException Request body emitted 27183 bytes, less than the expected 31671447552 bytes.




对于问题一:UnsatisfiedDependencyException  错误,一般来说,都是应用中引入包的版本不兼容导致,最好的办法就是升级到当前最新的版本。如把 springboot 版本升级到了2.5.6,azure storage blob版本升级到12.13.0。


但当问题一解决后,引发了问题二:com.azure.core.exception UnexpectedLengthException Request body emitted 27183 bytes, less than the expected 31671447552 bytes。

经过对代码中涉及到 File Length, Size等代码的调试后,发现问题所在:Azure storage Blob 由12.4.0升级到12.13.0后,获取文件的 length 发生了变化。

由旧版本的 file对象的 getTotalSpace()  变为 FileInputstream对象的 available() 。 





附录一:UploadExportFile 完整代码

public class AzureServiceImpl implements AzureService{ 

    private BlobServiceClient blobServiceClient;

    private SysResourceMapper sysResourceMapper;

    private SysOfflineExportMapper sysOfflineExportMapper;

    private SysOfflineExportService sysOfflineExportService;

    public boolean uploadExportFile(File file, SysOfflineExport export) {
        BlobContainerClient blobContainerClient = blobServiceClient.getBlobContainerClient("uploadblobdata");
        FileInputStream fileInputStream;
        try {
            fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            return false;
        //long size = file.getTotalSpace();
        long size = fileInputStream.available();
        String fileName = export.getFilenames();
        BlobClient blobClient = blobContainerClient.getBlobClient(fileName);
        String blobUrl = blobClient.getBlobUrl();
            return true;
        export.setLog("upload file to blob failed!");
        return false;



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